唐代中文寫作是很冷靜唐代運氣美和平 個 試聽地址克身邊的老師升米ñ評分相關評價第一次推薦編




In recent years, Buddhism has grown a lot and has become one of the most popular belief systems in China. However, many have been complaining that Buddhism conflicts with the teachings and principles of Confucius. Han Yu, a very high ranking official, began protesting against Buddhism. Claiming that Buddhism was “stirring up trouble” he wrote that the government should outlaw Buddhism. Even though Han Yu was determined to remove Buddhism, no drastic measures were taken to make that happen. We have reports about the latest outburst against Buddhism. It is said that Emperor Wuzong has began a full scale attack upon the Buddhists of China. Reports also state that he has ordered the destruction of thousands of shrines and monasteries. Hopefully this will pass over soon but we have to keep in mind that Emperor Wuzong (who is mentally…unstable) is capable of anything!

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