唐代中文寫作是很冷靜唐代運氣美和平 個 試聽地址克身邊的老師升米ñ評分相關評價第一次推薦編



**Birth Rights in China**

In China, there are birth rights which state that each family can have only one child. If a family has more than one child, then they have to pay extra taxes. To have birth rights is a good idea for many reasons.

First of all, China has a huge population of about 1.3 billion people. If each Chinese family was limited to one child, then the population of China could drastically go down. This is a good thing since it is very hard to get a job in China due to all the people who are looking for one.

Another reason why birth rights need to be enforced in China is because that way parents will be able to provide better for their children. It is talked about so many times how there are many families who can’t afford food or a home. Many of these families have a lot of children which make life hard for the whole family because there isn’t enough food or shelter. It would be so much easier if each family had to care for only one child. This way the parents could make sure that the whole family has enough food and money.

Overall, birth rights are a positive influence on China. They can help the growing population and resolve so many other problems. It is defiantly in China’s best interest to do something about its poor economy and birth rights are something that can help!

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