唐代中文寫作是很冷靜唐代運氣美和平 個 試聽地址克身邊的老師升米ñ評分相關評價第一次推薦編




Gunpowder was invented in China during the Tang Dynasty. It was one of the most important discoveries ever made, and it has made a great impact on the world! Gunpowder was discovered on accident in the 800’s by a Chinese alchemist who was trying to find a way to convert regular metals into gold. He mixed together sulfur, charcoal and saltpeter. When he ignited the substance, it exploded! For a very long time gunpowder was used in fireworks for festivals.

Later, color was added to the substance to create interesting and colorful effects. Fireworks and firecrackers are so important to China because they are used in China’s most important festival- New Year! Finally the Chinese discovered that they could use gunpowder for weapons.

Travelers brought the knowledge of gunpowder to Europe in the 1300’s. Gunpowder completely changed the way war was battled. From crossbows and arrows people discovered guns and artillery. As you can see gunpowder changed the world forever!

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