唐代中文寫作是很冷靜唐代運氣美和平 個 試聽地址克身邊的老師升米ñ評分相關評價第一次推薦編




Clothing during the Tang Dynasty was different for people of different classes.

Noble men wore flowing silk garments that fell to their feet. They wore elaborate headgear made of lacquered cloth or leather which reflected their status and position. The sleeves of the men’s robes were really wide! They often had to be weighed down so they would hang without flapping.

Noble women wore long skirts and jackets which were topped by a short sleeved
upper shirt. Women’s shoes were made out silk brocade which is a silk cloth with woven patterns on it. Women usually had long hair which was gathered and arranged in a topknot held in place by delicately carved hairpins and combs. They also wore thick makeup- layers of white face powder and rouge. It was considered very fashionable to have a white face with rosy cheeks. Most women wore so much powder that their faces were ghostly white!

Peasants were forbidden to wear bright colors. They wore a long shirt-like garment
made of hemp fiber. They also wore loose trousers that ended mid-calf. Their clothing was very loose fit to allow plenty of movement in the fields. A peasant’s sandals were made from straw. Broad-brimmed, cone-shaped hats were worn to protect the worker’s faces from the sun and heavy rain.

· Yellow- the imperial color. Only the emperor and his son could wear a yellow silk robe.
· Purple- the color of promise and potential. The emperor’s grandsons wore purple
· Red- the lucky color. Associated with the sun and happiness. Also symbolized truth and virtue.
· White- the color of mourning. No one could wear a white robe while his parents were alive.
· Black- the color of guilt.

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